
The Jewish community of Geneva is mainly financed by donations and membership fees. Without you and your contributions, our community cannot exist.  With your help, you participate in this invisible chain which links all Jewish generations in Switzerland and in the entire world. You perpetuate Judaism and our pride in being the people of the Book.  We thank you: whatever the amount may be, your gesture is essential.

The CIG is an non-profit organization governed under Article 60 of the Swiss Legal Code; as such your donations are fully deductible from your Swiss income taxes.  You will receive a confirmation of your donations by mail along with a year-end tax statement (others available upon request).

To make a donation using your credit card:   click here

A confirmation mail will be sent to you by Swiss Post Finance

An email will be sent to the CIG finance department

If you wish to make a donation by bank wire / transfer, please use the following details: Communauté Israélite de Genève, Avenue Dumas, 21- 1206 Genève. IBAN: CH73 0900 0000 1200 5233 7