

Under the supervision of the Chief Rabbi, the CIG manages its institutions and organizes its activities in accordance with Jewish Law (Halachah). Each individual and every family lives their Judaism and lives according to their own individual choice.

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MDR du 29 janvier 2025 -3ème edition

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Apéro du rabbin

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What to do in case of

The following for practical, useful and other information. Our various departments services are at your disposal for any further questions or help.

Bar-Mitzva or Bat-Mitzva

Bar- Mitzva

Upon reaching the age of 13, the transition from a boy to an adult in terms of Jewish law culminates in his Bar-Mitzva, which marks an important event in his life.  Our Talmud Torah has a full preparation course for your son(s). Please contact the Chief Rabbi, Dr. Rav Mikhaël BENADMON at +41 22 317 89 07 to plan and to determine the exact day of your son’s becoming a Bar Mitzvah, before making any specific synagogue or other reservations.


Upon reaching 12, girls are also called to celebrate their Bat-Mitzva.  They can do so individually or collectively (frequently with their Talmud Torah class).  A preparation course for your daughter’s Bat-Mitzva is organized by the Talmud Torah of the CIG.

Brit Mila (Bris)

Circumcision marks the entrance of every Jewish boy into the Covenant of Abraham.  A Brit Mila is normally done on the 8th day following birth, except when the infant’s health is at risk, in which case this is deferred to a suitable, later date.  The Secretary office can put you in touch with a Mohel.

To organize the event, please contact +41 22 317 89 07.

Commemoration (Yarzeit / Haskara)

Please contact the religious services department to organize a minyan and any light breakfast, Kiddush, etc. that you may wish to arrange for those attending minyan

Mikveh reservation (Ritual Bath)

The Mikveh (Ritual bath) is available to the members of the CIG and all Jews, however with prior reservation.

Please contact Mrs. Ora Soudry: +41 76 616 82 79


Acts of antisemitism

The CICAD (Intercommunity Coordination against Anti-Semitism and Defamation) is an independent association who fights against anti-Semitism, defends the image of Israel when it is defamed and make Jewish cultural values known.  The CICAD publishes a newsletter, which can be downloaded on its site,

For any information or how to report incidents, please contact Mr. Joahanne Gurfinkiel at + 41 22 321 48 78.


We encourage the happy new (and possibly tired) parents to contact our Secretary office to report the birth of their child, so that s/he is duly registered in our files. It is customary to name the girls (Zeved habath), please ask the Rabbi for details.

CIG Meeting Room Reservation

Kindly complete the following form and email to


Death (in Switzerland and abroad)

Following a death in the family, the families should:

Announce and register the death at the CIG:

The family can call our main office (if during office hours) at +41 22 317 89 00, who will delegate those individuals to assist and to perform the appropriate rites.  Outside of the office hours, contact , Mr. Jean Plancon, at +41 22 784 16 05 or +41 79 202 33 70.

During Shabbat and religious holidays, it is advisable to directly speak to the Chief Rabbi Rav Dr. Mikhaël BENADMON or one of the Chazanim in the synagogues.

For further details, kindly click to display the following documents:

Guide for the bereaved         click here

Ad méah veessrim- Short guide for Jewish families in mourning (only in French at this time)

Detailed procedure in case of death

You will find detailed procedure in the following document

Detailed procedure in case of death Click here

Cemetery statutes

Please click here for current statues of the cemetery                    Click here

Event Organisation

Please contact the manager of the public relations & events:

Mrs. Noémi Amatriain

Telephone: +41 22 317 89 54


The CIG will be delighted to help you to organize your birthdays, commemorations and all events related to Jewish traditions.

Job Hunting

A team of professionals is available for the Jewish community of Geneva: The Social Welfare Service offers someone to listen, a helpful guide, psychological and financial support.  For information, please call +41 317 89 23.

Just arrived in Geneva ?

We wish you a warm welcome to Geneva and to the Jewish Community of Geneva.

Do not hesitate to contact us to help you with your first steps in Geneva whether for your community, social or professional life.

If you wish to become a member of our community, the link MEMBERSHIP / ADHESION will further be your guide: click here.


Please report any change of address to the Secretary office telephone (+41 22 317 89 75), by mail to the Jewish Community of Geneva, Avenue Dumas, 21, CH-1206  Geneva or by email with your new contact details at

People in need

A team of professionals is available to the entire Geneva Jewish community:  the Social Welfare Service has someone to listen, a variety of means to help including psychological and well as financial assistance.  For information, please call +41 22 317 89 23.

Rabbi's office

The Chief Rabbi oversees weddings, conversions, and religious divorces (get).  He provides timely information and decisions on all religious issues, issues certificates of unmarried status (from a religious standpoint) and Jewishness.  Each case is strictly confidential. For information please call +41 22 317 89 07.

Risk detection

Do not do anything by yourself.  Please inform our security agents or contact our hotline +0844 111 117.

School Registration

GAN Yeladim “Edmundo Safdié”- kindergarten

Jewish kindergarten, the GAN, open from 8:00-16:30 on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 8:00-12:00 on Wednesday and Friday.  Preschool till 13:30 on Wednesday and 14:45 on Friday – please confirm with GAN staff.

The GAN welcomes children from 4 months to 6 years to allow them to learn alongside other children in a Jewish environment.  Children are introduced to oral Hebrew, Shabbat and Jewish holidays and follow a program specific to early childhood. We follow the Swiss HarmoS Romand Program for 1P and 2P pupils.

The GAN is composed of  classes:

  •      Day care: from 4 months to 2 years
  •      Pré- GAN: from 2 years old
  •      GAN: from 3 years old

The GAN is located at 206, route de Veyrier, 1255 Veyrier.

For further information, please contact Mrs. Yaffa Dayan ou Caroline Guivante, Directors by phone +41 22 899 13 32 or by email:


Created in 1981, the school currently offers private schooling from 1P HarmoS to 11P and a high school to prepare for the French Baccalaureate.  The studies are conducted in French with specific subjects in English. The primary school follows the Swiss HarmoS program (to 8P), from 9P it is a merger of the Swiss HarmoS and French curriculum.  The high school follows solely the French curriculum, supplemented by Jewish studies and Hebrew language.

For further information, please contact the Secretary’s Office on +41 22 899 18 60 or


Do you have some free time or wish to help us with our many activities? We always welcome volunteers and will be glad for your time.

Social Services: the team of volunteers is made up of men and woman from all walks of life, with the goal of helping others by visiting families, the sick and elderly at home and in the hospital, as well  as anyone in palliative care and those mourning the loss of a loved one.

Contact Mrs. Evelyne Morali at +41 22 317 89 24.


Under Swiss law, and most countries of Europe, a legal, civil wedding must be carried out before any specific religious wedding ceremony.  We heartily encourage you to contact the Religious Services Department +41 22 317 89 07 for help to plan your Jewish wedding