Religious Worship

Religious services, led by the community’s Chief Rabbi, Chazanim and Gabbais, maintains an active services calendar accessible to both the community’s members and all fellow Jews, so that each person can practice as a Jew.  We welcome all Jewish visitors, whether her for a day, a week or longer, to join us for services.

Religious services, led by the community’s Chief Rabbi, Chazanim and Gabbais, maintains an active services calendar accessible to both the community’s members and all fellow Jews, so that each person can practice as a Jew.  We welcome all Jewish visitors, whether her for a day, a week or longer, to join us for services.

Religious worship services ensure that community members and all fellow Jews have access and support for all life-cycle events:  daily services, Shabbat, holidays, commemorations, births, Bar and Bat- Mitzvas, weddings as well as attending to the needs of those who have lost loved ones.

The Chief Rabbi is the resident authority for our community as well as with the many other religions and religious bodies present in Geneva.

He works together with the Chazzans, Gabbais and others to serve the community’s members’ Jewish spiritual life needs.

This ensures that the people and material resources are in place to ensure the following:  daily services, all Jewish holidays and commemorations in both Beth Yaacov and Dumas synagogues, the weekly courses at both synagogues, Jewish education programs, Torah studies, a functioning Mikva , Kosher supervision of the CIJ’s restaurant, Talmud Torah for our youth, the religious program for the children at GAN Yeladim as well as caring for the needs of members of our community at all stages:  from birth, to their wedding, as well as their needs as they leave the material world.

Worship leads and flavors the life of our community through the organization of study groups and topics, community Shabbat dinners, holiday celebrations and all other religious events.  We also ensure links with the other Jewish communities of Geneva and the surrounding areas.

We coordinate with the CCJJ (Youth Groups) to foster transmission of Jewish values and knowledge to the next generation, and encourage our youth’s synagogue attendance.   We are naturally always in touch and work with all other departments of the community.



The Rabbinate under the authority of Chief Rabbi of the Geneva Jewish Community, Rav Dr. Itzhak DAYAN, oversees the following:

  •      Commemorations (Yartzeit)
  •      Bar-Mitzva preparation (boys)
  •      Bat-Mitzva preparation (girls)
  •      Beth-Din (Rabbinical court of adjudication)
  •      Kosher supervision
  •      Weddings
  •      Divorces
  •      Conversions
  •      Jewish certificates


  •      Brit-Mila
  •      Religious worship services in both Beth Yaacov and Dumas synagogues
  •      Ritual bath (Mikveh)
  •      Chaplaincy (Geneva area hospitals)

Dvar Torah et cours




Attestation pour les fêtes: cliquez-ici



An essential part of Jewish life is the Mikveh, the ritual bath for purifications and a link with the divine. Its rituals even predate the tablets and law of Mount Sinai.

As a key element of any community, it is to be built before the construction of a synagogue, so much so that even a Torah can be sold to give first priority to construction of the Mikveh.

Thanks to a generous local Geneva donor, the Jewish Community of Geneva has a beautiful Mikveh (ESTHER SAFRA MIKVEH) which fully meets halachic law and is under the surveillance of Chief Rabbi Izhak DAYAN.   It is in the CIG building at avenue Dumas 21.

The Mikveh is available to all Jews on a reservation only basis.  Please contact Mrs. Ora SOUDRY at +41 76 616 82 70




Rav Dr. Izhak DAYAN, Chief Rabbi of the CIG

Tél +41 22 317 89 07
E-mail :


Beth Yaacov Synagogue (Ashkenazi)

Place de la Synagogue- 1204 Geneva

Tel.: +41 22 311 48 15 (only from 8:00 to 10:00) or +41 22 317 89 07

  •      Rav Jacob Tolédano- Tel: +41 22 317 89 07
  •      Eric Ackermann- Tel.: +41 22 317 89 07

Avenue Dumas Synagogue- (Sephardi)

21, Avenue Dumas- 1206 Geneva

Tel: +41 22 347 31 31 or +41 22 317 89 07


  •      Samüel Nezrit, Chazan
  •      Sion Marciano, Gabbai Rachi

Religious office secretary

Mrs Chirlie Sellam

Tel: +41 22 317 89 07



Sephardic (avenue Dumas):

  •    Roch Hodech and all weekday mornings: 7h00
  •   Sunday (and public holidays): 8h00